Saturday, August 2, 2008

Hmmm...Go on a Cruise or Get a New Roof? It's A Toss Up!

I hate spending money on home repairs like new windows or a new roof. It's expensive and no fun comes from it. And not only was the new roof not our favorite allocation of funds, it also came with burn spots on our perfectly green grass. It's been a month and a half since we had this done and I am still waiting for the grass to come out of it. (It might go faster if the heat wasn't doing us in). However, the turtle vents have made it much nicer upstairs in the summer time, so I won't complain there.
Anyway, here's a few pictures of the new roof.


1 comment:

Shortcake and Company said...

Looks great! I completely agree about the home repair thing too. It's no fun but so worth it. Your home is beautiful!!