Sunday, September 7, 2008

Cracking Up!

Lauren was cracking us up, I had to share.

She was coming off the drugs they had her on for a procedure she went through and had everyone rolling with laughter. She kept seeing double doors and when she'd look at her thumb she'd exclaim, "WHOA!" At one time, she was seeing blue airplanes under her eyelids. Finally, her mom grabbed a video camera so we could all enjoy!

In the first video, she has a popsicle and must have tried a couple of times to actually get it in her mouth. In the second video, she sings a song for us that we tried to get her to sing at our reunion and it was like pulling teeth. With narcotics, we couldn't get her to stop.


utmommy said...

She is too cute!

I hope everything is okay with her and that she recovers quickly!

DeAnna said...

Please if you have the blanket one, post it!

Anonymous said...

Oh that Lauren! She is too cute. What a tropper for such a long hospital stay. I didn't realize how bad this was. Thanks for sharing.