Thursday, February 28, 2008

The End of an Era

Pack Night: A night all boy scouts love and parents try to tolerate. They sing ridiculous songs made up from familiar tunes with new lyrics, the words never quite jiving. They have different cheers for every occasion (example: last night we all stood up and hissed as long and loud as we could, then sat back down). It wasn't long after I started going to Gavin's that I realized why my dad was always willing to pay my brothers $20 not to go. (I tried talking Gavin out of one - only once. His response: "I have to go and support my troops". I refused to give up $20 to him so we went.)

For three years now, we have gone, endured and watched our son enjoy the process. Last night's meeting was really no different from the rest. We sang "Oh, I Wish I Were A Little Hunk of Mud" and hissed our loud Hissing Cheer. Gavin received all twenty of his Weebelos pins (According to Richard, that's a pretty big deal) and his Arrow of Light (again Richard deciphered and let me know it's like an Eagle, but for Cub Scouts). Gavin was excited and I was happy for him. What came next shocked me.

He turns 11 in a couple of weeks and therefore will move up in the Scouting Program. At the end of the meeting, he was called up and given his certificate of Cub Scout Pack Graduation. He will be moving on to the 11-Year Old Scouts which means no more activities after school, no more Pine Wood Derby's and no more Pack Nights. ...No more Pack Nights! Something I thought I would jump for joy over and yet, when he stood at the front of the room and recieved his certificate of advancement, I honest to goodness had to choke back the tears! I wouldn't allow myself to actually let the tears roll down my face, but my heart was heavy and I had such a hard time letting go. I'm sure, part of this sentimentality comes easily knowing that I won't have to endure another one, but I never would have guessed that I would miss those corny little meetings. Knowing that they marked a certain era in my child's life and that it's over makes me appreciate them a little more. Kids really do grow up way too fast!


Shortcake and Company said...

I kind of understand how you feel...I'm not looking forward to the first day of kindergarten. There's just something a little melancholy about the end of an era. But, congrats to Gavin and you for holding up so well.

Becky said...

Congrats to Gavin...AGAIN. What an outstanding kid. I'm always impressed with the things I see and hear - my heart will forever be tender towards him! :)

Jenni said...

I'm cracking up about the "hissing." Aren't scouts weird? (I say this because I'm currently saddled with responsibility of the Wolves.) Is it possible that one day I, too, will get sentimental about these events? I suppose so. Hard to imagine, though.

It is fun to see how much they enjoy it. I'm always surprised....

Laura F said...

Oh man, I'm really not looking forward to scouts. But I'm really looking forward to it, too. :-) Justin was a pack leader in Saint Louis and I seriously am amazed at how weird AND wired those boys were. He'd be ready to beat them all, but he'd take on anyone who put them down, too. Congratulations on the graduation, I can't wait to hear what fun things come of boy scouts!

Loraine said...

Don't be too sad about it...scouting is right around the corner. AND no more pack nights. :)

Richard Bean said...