Friday, May 9, 2008

Lucky Allison!

Alli went in this morning and had her tonsils and adenoids removed. She did very well. I was surprised at what a quick procedure it was, 30 minutes. I wish they didn't make you stay for another three hours waiting.

We're hoping to keep her doped up for the next few days. We don't believe in natural healing at our house. Give out the drugs and keep 'em coming until the pain completely subsides. Unfortunately, that motto just cost me over 50 bucks in prescriptions.

There were two choices in pain meds: 1. Tylenol with Codeine which would burn all the way down her throat, or 2. Capital with Codeine which is supposed to gently glide down her throat. I hope she appreciates the sacrifice we made for her comfort because she'll be gliding! And I'll be chinking dollar signs with every teaspoonful.


Jami said...

I hope Allison is feeling okay. I totally remember almost the whole experience of getting my tonsils out, and I was only 4 years old! I remember being pretty ticked that I didn't get ice cream like I was promised -- just some crappy banana popsicles.

Jenni said...

Poor thing! I'm hope she's up and around soon. That's not the easiest procedure in the world - I was in the 8th grade. Bad news...

Shortcake and Company said...

Ouch....I hope she's feeling better.

Tink said...

Oh Ali, it is worth it, I promise!
Get well soon!

Loraine said...

Oh Allison! I'm sorry to see you down and out. If I were there we would play Chinese checkers while you are out of school. I'm thinking of you - - Hope you get well very very soon.

Natalie said...

Hope she feels better soon, you are a good mom, I think you made the wise choice!!