Sunday, June 1, 2008

FFA - Week # (Oh, I don't even remember!)

I am way behind in our FFA topics and I am not sure I should even try to catch up, but I don't want to be banned or anything (not that it's possible). Besides, I really liked this topic.

This particular week's topic: Who should play you in the movie version of your life?

At first, I didn't know. I hadn't really thought of it. So, what does one do when they are in a stump? Ask the closest person sitting next to them. That happened to be Richard. His answer: Selma Hayek.

Yeah. I know. We only have one thing in common and mine need to be "altered", but a boy can dream can't he? Dream on, I say, while you do the dishes!

I also thought of Bree Hodge from Desperate Housewives. She doesn't look a bit like me, but her personality on the show might resemble me a tad. She is religeous, she likes to bake and host parties and if things aren't in the right order, she'll lose it. I brought this up to Richard and he reminded me that she is also very manipulative and deceitful. Strike Two.

So, I thought I would let you, my faithful blog readers, decide what you think. Growing up I always had people tell me I looked like Candice Cameron (DJ from Full House). I wasn't much of a Full House fan, but I did have long hair.

The other candidate is Kellie Martin. Now I did watch Life Goes On quite faithfully. Many people told me I looked like her as well. I had the same round glasses and the short barrel rolled hair (I thought of posting a photo, but I confess, it's too embarrassing.)

Would you pick one of these or is there someone else that would fit the mold better? Oh, and Bree Hodge is off the docket. I might be slightly manipulative, but definately not deceitful.


Jenni said...

Well, you know who I picked!

Jami said...

I'm with Jen . . . I have to say Kellie Martin. I think you look so much alike, and I think she could definitely pull off your personality.

Loraine said...

Well, I always thought you and Rene Russo resembled each other, but you are prettier and younger. However, if Selma Hyack is in the running, go for it. However, you'll be the one keeping Richard warm at night. That counts for more than the fantasy.

Becky said...

Selma Hyack...why NOT? Well, I can think of a few, but if your going for looks alone. She was in a nasty movie Jon and I STARTED that wasn't rated R down here. We quickly learned that there was NO WAY it was rated anything less.
Although, I do think that Kellie Martin should win the prize for being your look-alike.